Single/Multi-pitch rock climbing ropework skills in Snowdonia

Rock climbing ropework skills in Snowdonia. Do you climb hard but feel your ropework skills hold you back. Want to push your outdoor/ trad climbing grade? Well, this is where Max feels she was. But after a few days her rope skills came up to her climbing grade enabling her to climb close to her technical grade.

Single and Multi-pitch rock climbing ropework skills in Snowdonia. Organisation of your rack leads to more efficient gear selection

What I covered during these days

We looked at racking gear, systems for rating your placed gear, rope/sling belays, belay stances/organisation, escaping from a rock climb and dealing with problems on route. Then did a few multi-pitch routes with route fining. Well done Max particularly in the hot weather!

Single and Multi-pitch rock climbing ropework skills in Snowdonia. Do you climb hard but feel your ropework skills hold you back. Want to push your outdoor/ trad rock climbing grade? Mountaineering Joe offer bespoke 1:1/2:1 courses on this.

After a few days of looking at your rope skills, your rock climbing grade will be close to your technical grade. We will look at racking gear, rating your placed gear, rope and sling belays, belay stances and its organisation, escaping from a rock climb and dealing with any problems encountered on route like having to lock off your belay plate or escaping from the system to get help or help your second or lead rock climber.

We will then climb some multi-pitch rock climbing routes practicing and developing route finding skills both from using the guide book and reading the rock by looking at the wear on the rock to cap it off. I will then recommend some rock climbing routes to get you going afterwards.

See for some more details and contact Joe at Mountaineering Joe for a informal chat joe @