Ogwen valley in the distance with Tryfan

Ogwen valley in the distance with Tryfan

It was an good walking day trekking up to Llyn Cowlyd with beautiful views across the Nant Ffrancon valley. We started around the Helyg and took a good path to Llyn Cowlyd, coming down towards Capel Curig and finally back along the old A5 track up the valley. A gentle walk with great views across Snowdonia. Come walking in Snowdonia with Mountaineering Joe, have a look at our walking days out. http://mountaineeringjoe.co.uk/walking/

Scrambling on south buttress

Scrambling on south buttress with some exposed positions

Scrambling on Tryfan. A New route on the east face of Tryfan. We were on the South Buttress and Paddy wanted to find a new way up the buttress. So we select a weakness just to the left of the South Rib route. It was an excellent day with grade 3 scrambling ground, weaving in and out of the blank sections to find interesting the grade 3 ground. Have a look to see what we have to offer http://mountaineeringjoe.co.uk/rock-scrambling-courses/

Some exposed positions ...the belay before the crux

Some exposed positions …the belay before the crux

We had a full on day working our way up Diffwys Ddu, on the south side of the pass. It was a great mountaineering day out. Main Wall has just about everything on it. Walls, grooves, chimneys, slabs, cracks and ramps. The crux is two thirds of the way up the route. A move around a corner which feels very committing as you leave your second but it’s easier than it looks. It’s a great route for practicing placing gear without being too committed , never being too steep. You do need good route finding skills as it zigzags up the cliff. So if you are looking to develop your leading techniques with solid route finding skills it’s a good one to try, but allow yourself a long and good weather day for it. Have a look at our learning to lead climbing courses, where you will get very personal and tailored coaching. http://mountaineeringjoe.co.uk/rock-climbing-courses-snowdonia/

Beautiful fine views across the Snowdonia range. On the final approach to Snowdon.

Beautiful fine views across the Snowdonia range. On the final approach to Snowdon.

Guided walking in Snowdonia, North Wales. A beautiful day out walking on Snowdon with Eric and his group. If you want to do the same and trek some of the classic walks in Snowdonia why not book with Mountaineering Joe for your trip / day and get the most out of your time here. I can even arrange private bunkhouse style accommodation to cheap your costs down. If you have a group that you need to arrange let me know. For more background information see http://mountaineeringjoe.co.uk/walking/

Giving time to think about the crux of Tennis Shoe is worth while.
Learning to remove gear while hanging on is important when climbing outside.

Learning to remove gear while hanging on is important when climbing outside.

We had a great day out practicing some multi pitch climbing on Idwal Slabs. Bud wanted to do more than just easy slabs all day. So we climbed Tennis Shoe which has a short but harder crux towards the top. It’s a great route for practicing placing gear without being too far outside your comfort zone as it has good foot placements, where you need them. It is worth while taking your time over the crux on routes before you commit to making the hard moves, as it can be to difficult to reverse these if you get it wrong! If you are looking to develop your leading techniques have a look at our learning to lead climbing courses, where you will get very personal and tailored teaching. http://mountaineeringjoe.co.uk/rock-climbing-courses-snowdonia/

How relaxing!

Just back from a night navigation

Just back from a night navigation

A group got together to do their final preparation for the ML assessment. We went through Navigation and rope work, and threw in nature questions and the general approach to the assessment needed. All the group members will pass because they done the preparation and are up to it. But It’s nice to have somebody tell you that before the assessment that you are ready because you now know you have it covered and that added to your confidence!

We made it!

We made it!

Steve had a great day on Snowdon this month with the kids. He was spending a week in North Wales with the kids and wanted to take them trekking in the mountains of Snowdonia. Steve asked me what would be the most exciting way up Snowdon which the kids would be all right on. We decided Starting from the South Side of Snowdon away from the crowds. Starting at Rhyd Ddu and taking the path from there, we made our way up Snowdon. We only came across three or four people before the final ridge on the way up! After summiting, rather than coming down the same way, we came down the Snowdon Ranger Path which made it exciting for the kids. In order to get back to where we started, we made it a circular walk and we cut back across the valley before the bottom of the valley passing through the old quarry back to Rhyd Ddu, on an old foot path. We did not meet anybody on route! The north side of Snowdon with the Pyg Track and the Minors Track were packed with trekkers that day. For more information on walking or trekking in Snowdonia, North wales click here http://mountaineeringjoe.co.uk/walking/

The final steps on the North Ridge of Tryfan

The final steps on the North Ridge of Tryfan

Ray scrambling on the real mountain in Snowdonia, Tryfan. Ray wanted to catch the end of the summer with some scrambling. We approached Tryfan from the east side walking up to Heather Terrace. We then scrambled up Nor Nor Groove (Grade 2), reaching the top of Nor Nor Gully on the North Ridge (Grade 2). We continued to the top of Tryfan scrambling on the North Ridge. The weather was great and we got some excellent photos. After summiting on Tryfan we decided to descend Tryfan via North and Little gullies (Grade 2) back down to Heather Terrace. Little Gully is an excellent Grade 2 scramble. So we ended up with 2 good scrambles up Tryfan and a good scramble back down. For more information on what scrambling you can do, click on http://mountaineeringjoe.co.uk/rock-scrambling-courses/

Alan had to take a bearing in bad visibility and walk on it with no helping features!

Alan had to take a bearing in bad visibility and walk on it with no helping features!

Alan enjoyed his 2 days of Navigation / map reading instruction on the south side of Snowdon. He often walks in the mountain with friends but wanted to be able to navigate safely on his own. During his 2 day, 1 to 1 course he was pushed to his limits having to navigate in some low visibility conditions at times during the day. He built up a good process to consistently hit his destinations. including pacing, timings, taking and walking on bearings, attack points, tick off features, hand railing and using a strategy where he built processes to be followed for each leg, reducing the likelyhood of error and catching it early where it occurs. Click here for more information http://mountaineeringjoe.co.uk/mountaineering/navigation-courses-snowdonia/

Route finding
Placing gear whilst leading

Placing gear whilst leading

When learning to lead on trad climbs, there is a lot to think about above actually climbing. Route finding, placing gear at the right time, getting into balance to place gear, keeping your ropes tidy, protecting your second, setting up belays and the rest. Then you have to climb the route! Learning to do this correctly first time and in a safe environment. Here is Jim successfully leading his first route leading entirely on his own in 2 days of teaching showing a lot of confidence. Have a look at http://mountaineeringjoe.co.uk/rock-climbing-courses-snowdonia/ and get it right first time!