Rob negotiating the rock pinnacles on Cneifion Arête

Rob negotiating the rock pinnacles on Cneifion Arête

Rock scrambling in Snowdonia. Rock Scrambling high up in Cwm Cneifion on Cneifion Arête. An excellent rock scramble which starts off on full on grade 3 ground and moves into easier grade 2 with great rock spikes all the way up making belaying easy! Rock scrambling in Snowdonia with Mountaineering Joe
Rob moving around the boulders on Cneifion Arête

Rob moving around the boulders on Cneifion Arête

Abseiling down a gully

Abseiling down a gully

Rock scrambling in Snowdonia with great weather. Practising rope techniques for moving fast over grade 2/3 scrambling ground. We used short pitching , pitching, body belaying and the Italian hitch to name just a few. Rope techniques with Mountaineering Joe
Where did he come from?

Where did he come from?