Ropework skills for climbers over the next few months getting people ready for the new rock climbing season.  We cover all the rope skills required to get out on the rock safely.

ropework skills for rock climbing

Course Outline

  • Introduction to rope techniques and rope management,
  • Selecting and building anchors.
  • Personal abseiling and improvised rescue.

Mountaineering Joe offers rock climbing courses in Snowdonia and private guiding to suit a wide range of abilities, designed to develop your climbing skills. You will learn basic rock climbing techniques, whilst climbing a variety of single and multi-pitch rock climbs. As your trad climbing improves and you start moving up through the grades, you will be in even more challenging situations such as sea cliffs and remote areas. If the weather changes half way up multi pitch route, do you have the skill set to retreat safely? Your second can’t do the crux pitch or has fallen off an overhang and can’t swing back onto the rock, could you hoist them? You abseil down a sea cliff and cannot climb the route out, could you ascend a rope?

Get yourself off to a flying start!

Email me on for more details