COURSE 4: Contour Master Class
This course is all about enhancing your navigation skills focusing on contours and clues.
Course Title: N4. Contour Master Class
Cost: £180 for 1 person £200 per day for a group of 2. Greater then 2 £220. Group size upon discussion (2 days recommended)
Location: Snowdonia
Group size: upon discussion
The shape of the land (topography) is one of the most important aspects represented on your map. Contours provide an excellent three dimensional representation of the shape of the land but visualising this takes practice. This course is suitable for those with some experience of navigating who wish to focus on developing this important aspect. We will enjoy two days covering a variety of terrains. Navigating by the shape of the land will enable you to put your map away for long periods so being able to enjoy the mountains and your friends.
Course Outline
- Review of your current experience
- Recap – the essentials of navigation (as appropriate for the group)
- Dynamic route planning
- Navigating using contours and features
- Gathering Clues
- Course review and feedback
Previous Experience/Fitness
You will have experience of hill and mountain walking and some experience of map reading and using a compass. You may have attended a navigation course or hold an NNAS award. A reasonable level of fitness will ensure you get the most out of your course.
You must bring your own compass, maps and waterproof map case. A Silva type 4 Compass is recommended. Waterproof maps as follows: 1:50,000 Snowdon Landranger 115; 1.25,000 Explorer OL17 or the older style; 1:25,000 Snowdon and Conwy Valley Outdoor Leisure 17.
Just email joe @ for further info or how we can personalise a day to suit you! Private guiding or instruction to suit your requirements.
Go to Booking menu to make a booking enquiry.
“This has revolutionised my navigating and my enjoyment of map reading just being enable walk in the mountains whilst navigating” Paddy Wilmot, testimonial, Navigational Contour Master Class: Contours and Clues.