Mountaineering Joe Supports InterVolSA2012 Fundraising

The team at Mountaineering Joe are happy to support a group of University of Birmingham students (InterVolSA2012) in their fundraising activities by providing a two day mountaineering experience in North Wales as a prize.

The students will be heading off to South Africa at the end of June 2012 to complete a project organised through InterVol at the Horizon Farm Trust. ‘InterVol’ is an international volunteering charity that offers students the opportunity to volunteer with ethical organisations overseas on poverty reduction, education and conservation programmes.

We wish them the best of luck and we look forward to meeting the winner.

We have received this lovely message from one of the fundraisers, Lauren Wilcock, University of Birmingham, final year African Studies student: “We would like to thank Mountaineering Joe for the prize the company has donated to the project! Thanks to them we are very close to our fundraising target of £1000 to help the Horizon Farm Trust which cares for disabled adults and children in South Africa. We also know the winner can’t wait for their mountaineering experience! Thank you so much from all of us.”

For more information about InterVol, visit their website