A very poplar Moss in the Mountains

A very poplar Moss in the Mountains

ML Refresher for the Mountain Leader assessment course. Today we looked at Access and Conservation. We chatted about Mosses and lichens One process which is easy to remember is soil creation in the mountain environment. Looking how it starts with Lichens and ends up with plants growing on Rocks. Mountain Leader preparation with Mountaineering Joe.
From lichen to plants actually growing in the dead moss

From lichen to plants actually growing in the dead moss

Here Sam is using an Italian Hitch is bring up his partner and will convert this to a Clove Hitch to secure her

Here Sam is using an Italian Hitch is bring up his partner and will convert this to a Clove Hitch to secure her

Rock scrambling in Snowdonia with excellent weather. Developing fast Rock scrambling rope techniques with Sam and Beth. Protecting rock scrambles or moving over steep ground after or before climbing a rock climb doesn’t have to be slow. Maybe there are walks you want to do but need to look after les experience people in the group. With the right rope techniques you can move very very fast. Rock scrambling rope work with Mountaineering Joe

Using an Italian Hitch off a direct anchor

Using an Italian Hitch off a direct anchor

Mike and Karen  Rock scrambling on the North Ridge of Tryfan lower slopes

Mike and Karen Rock scrambling on the North Ridge of Tryfan lower slopes

Rock scrambling on the North ridge of Tryfan practising rope techniques such as short pitching to able you to protect the rock scramble without taking up valuable time. The mist provided an atmospheric backdrop for the day! Rock Scrambling with Mountaineering Joe

Time for lunch

Time for lunch

Packing up after the camp

Packing up after the camp

We spend 3 days walking across Snowdonia wild camping in the remote sports of Snowdonia away from the crowds. An excellent little trip! Wild camping with Mountaineering Joe

Lowering off the route after climbing it

Lowering off the route after climbing it

A family day out rock climbing in Llanberis in Snowdonia with excellent weather. A day where the whole family can get a go of rock climbing. Rock climbing for families with Mountaineering Joe

Just so relaxed on the rock

Just so relaxed on the rock